I have fear.
Fear of becoming a poor man haunted by his work.
Fear of becoming a poor man caught in the streets,
nowhere to go, without having to who mourn.
And when I fear, I crash. . .
"defense mechanism? You can not get it.
only fear ...
and blocked me ...
try to think, and is even worse.
Because if you do, nothing makes sense.
What is life? "School to work? Does having 1 woman, 1 "5 cars, 2 children and 3 powders per week, one on a Saturday?
hate humans, but more still hate being treated like everyone else. We are not numbers, we are people. Had
have chosen, had been born male praying mantis.
To dust off my life, and leave with a smile in my mouth ...
But I am not an insect. At least not too ...
Because insects do not worry, just trying to survive ...
Maybe that should do, leave a lost mountain of hand and devote myself to live TV, without appearing to, without fulfilling expectations.
Without fear ...
I see no way out.
Maybe it is so easy to turn around, change the meaning of my life, but think of live and live, no more ..
But I can not turn around, I think society's "welfare" has rusted my hips, they remain immobile even when I order otherwise. Perhaps
do not fear them and know what they are doing. I hope my legs carry me to the proper roads, because if not ...
Fear, I have fear.
And if you block, do not post ... So, until you decide what to do with my life, I say goodbye to the 4 that read me ... To another ... And thanks for everything ...
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