natural nutrients to boost the force
female libido Afrodiplus revitalizes and enhances the quality of sexual relations due to their combination with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and plants.
physical and emotional harmony with oneself and with the couple to enjoy a healthy sex life. Proper nutrition is the key to good health, including sexual health. Resort to diet aids as Afrodiplus may favor, naturally, good body tone and mood that enhances the quality of sex. The
sexuality transcends the physiological fact. In addition to health status, drug intake and physical changes experienced by the body over time, sexuality is also influenced by psychological and social aspects of the environment in which the individual moves.
With age, symptoms that affect sexual desire and the quality of sexual intercourse for lack of libido or decreased levels of hormones. Afrodiplus continued administration of nutrients that provides the body are beneficial to restore sexual vigor.
In women, the most frequent sexual apathy, disturbances in arousal and pain during intercourse. When estrogen production decreases, the blood supply of the sexual organs is insufficient, and as a result, the vaginal walls become less elastic and thinner, the vagina is reduced and vaginal secretions are more rare. These facts make it difficult to sex, due, in some cases, vaginismus and dyspareunia.
To improve the elasticity and lubrication of the area, preventing the vaginal walls open and bleed in some cases, stresses the importance of reinforcing the diet with nutrients that help to balance hormones. Afrodiplus provides amino acids like L-arginine contributing to good blood flow necessary for the sexual process by increasing nitric oxide production in vaginal and clitoral muscles, and vitamin E to maintain the good condition of the vaginal mucosa. It also incorporates beneficial plants to improve the sexual tone as Rusco, Jujube, Sarsaparilla, Licorice, Rosemary and Cinnamon.
Afrodiplus comes in boxes of 40 capsules and 2 capsules should be administered daily for prolonged periods.
Aktidrenal, a natural complement to dieting .
Aktidrenal additional nutrients not only help to eliminate excess fluid and toxins from the body, but at the same time ensure optimal tissue mineralization, making them the perfect complement to a weight control diet is effective and safe.
stress, medications, poor diet or environmental pollution contribute to the accumulation of toxins in the body that block blood flow and prevent the cells are properly fed. If the constant process of cleansing the body through the lymphatic system, kidneys, intestine, sweat glands or sebaceous glands is not adequate, the metabolism slows down and accumulates large amounts of water and fat. The solution is to supplement this system of detoxification for greater disposal and purification. The more the body is detoxified, will be more responsive to diet and weight control will increase, not only the effectiveness of a product but also the vitality of the individual.
Aktidrenal is derived from natural ingredients that help cleanse the body, and working with the physiological functions of the liver and kidneys, and regulate the digestive activity while also ensuring adequate tissue mineralization. Increase the effectiveness of weight control diets because it rids the body of toxins that cause retention fluid and fat accumulation. This, coupled with adherence to diet, are less likely to be overweight and the negative consequences it brings to health.
Aktidrenal The beneficial effects are achieved because its composition includes plants like grass, sarsaparilla, or Green Tea Horsetail, an effect enhanced by grapefruit juice, apple and watermelon. It also contains plants such as artichokes, Fumaria, Ginseng or Boldo and active principles contained in the digestive action cinnamon, licorice, oregano, dandelion or thyme. Other ingredients included are the Papaya and Pineapple, which eliminate the accumulation fat, also providing vitamins and minerals like magnesium and potassium.
Aktidrenal is one of the products found in Lineabel, the line of accessories to add nutritional supplements and supplies, not only to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, but also to enhance the physiological functions that help maintain proper weight for each person to increase the effectiveness of a regime.
Aktidrenal comes in a 250 ml bottle. It is recommended to mix two tablespoons of Aktidrenal (20 ml.) With a liter of water and drink the mixture over a day. If you prefer, you can also take a tablespoon (10ml.) in a large glass of water twice day.
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our bodies. Participates in the function and maintenance of skeletal, muscular, nervous and circulatory systems. Their presence is crucial for the correct production and activity of enzymes and hormones involved in digestion, metabolism and energy.
An effective and convenient way to supplement calcium intake is through a concentrated source of coral powder base. From the coral calcium is bioavailable calcium obtained from an organic source, and appears in ionic form, which is more soluble and therefore more by the body.
coral reefs represent one of the richest ecosystems, productive and also one of the most complex in the world. All the nutrients and elements found in the ocean is concentrated in coral reefs. There are many types of coral that are distributed according to the temperature of the seas and the type of microorganism with which they feed, but the coral reefs surrounding the island of Okinawa in Japan have shown to contain an organic composition very similar to skeletal human, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals essential for maintaining bone integrity. All these minerals are in ionic form, and therefore, are easily assimilated by the body.
Coral Calcium is mined surface of Okinawa (Japan) and never by the sea coral, thus respecting the environmental balance.
This product contains no yeast, gluten, wheat, milk or milk derivatives, lactose, sugar, preservatives, soy, artificial coloring or flavoring, and sodium. Power quality and have been properly tested and guaranteed.
Active Ingredients: calcium carbonate of marine origin
Presentation: Bottle of 60 capsules
Directions: Take 2 capsules daily, preferably with meals, in addition to food.
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