IInnovall NONII Morr IInd rr tt ii cc ii iia ffoll
In nature there are many fruits and plants that have properties
important to health and have been used since ancient
by different populations around the world.
traditional and empirical use of these products
has demonstrated its effectiveness. The
NONI has been used for thousands of years by Native Hawaiians
and other peoples of
Polynesia (Samoa, Tahiti, etc ...), and is,
also now at the point of looking for
scientists because of the qualities
"panacea" that it presents.
Noni is the name under
known in Hawaii to the plant Morinda citrifolia.
belongs to the Rubiaceae family. It is native to South Pacific
known among the inhabitants of the tropics worldwide. So
in Malaysia is known as MENGKUDU in Southeast Asia as Nhau
in the islands of Samoa and Tonga
as Nonu, etc. Morinda citrifolia
abundant in the islands of French Polynesia
is considered one of the most beautiful plants of the islands. It
is a tree up to 8 meters high
whose leaves, a bright green color, are
opposite and have a oval shaped elliptical
. Its flowers are small and
a creamy white color. Produces fruit throughout the year
large, fleshy, ovoid. Del Noni
are valued and used all its parts:
seeds, roots, leaves, flowers, fruits, etc.. For
example, in the East used the bark of its trunk and roots
for dyes. The
leaves are applied to the skin, after softening
in a flame, to treat tumors or infections.
However, the most known and
are consumed Noni fruit. USE
The Noni fruit is ripe
about the size of a potato and colored blancocremoso.
has been used for centuries as a food source
(To be eaten raw or cooked
), despite having an unpleasant taste and odor
(in Australia is known as
"cheese fruit").
has also been used in medicinal preparations
as reflected in several
ancient manuscripts. These uses have been passed from generation to generation
. Traditional Polynesian healers
gather the fruit before it is fully ripe and placed in a jar
exposed to direct sunlight.
When fully mature, they get a puree of fruit
and extract the juice through a cloth
. This juice is ready for use.
Noni has been used in traditional medicine
popular Polynesian and Southeast Asian
to treat a wide range of health
problems like pain, arthritis, diabetes, heart
problems, asthma, cataracts, high blood
, colds, kidney disorders, digestive problems
, depression, migraine, infections,
menstrual problems, arthritis, multiple
escleroris, skin problems, etc., 2
had much success in these treatments
Noni even
plant was considered "sacred" for the regeneration of the body's
Kahuna, the name is known to traditional healers
South Pacific.
Already in the nineteenth century kahunas
studied with his teacher for 15 or 20 years, so
managed to be about experts and their knowledge
matched to those of doctors in other parts of the world
. But despite all this knowledge
on noni, the Kahunas failed
that the use of this plant from spreading toward western
NONII Noni has come to the West after the completion of numerous studies
scientists have endorsed the traditional uses of this
plant. There is now an important
number of documents that accredit and endorse
Research dating from the Western
least 1950, when the scientific journal
"Pacific Science" said the
Noni fruit showed antibacterial properties against microorganisms
pyrogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and even
against E.
Coli. In April 1972
researcher Maria Stewart described in the journal "The
how the Hawaiians solved many of their health problems
drinking noni fruit juice. Since then
information has increased and the plant Morinda citrifolia
has been investigated by
important institutions of France,
Germany, Ireland, Taiwan, Austria, Netherlands
Netherlands and Canada. In the U.S. have
carried out important work at the University of Hawaii
. Research has been sponsored by the prestigious
National Academy of Sciences.
One of the earliest studies was conducted
by a team of scientists at the University of Hawaii
, led by Professor Anne
Hirazumi, who by chance given
noni juice to your dog when he was seriously ill and
allopathic veterinary treatment had failed.
Miraculously, the animal recovered. OCCIIDENTE
NONII Cell damage
After that, Dr. Hirazumi
organized a research project
to know more about Noni, focusing
in mice with lung carcinoma. Those who were not treated died
in 9 to 12 days. A
a group were given noni juice and
life expectancy increased between 105 - 123%
. The experiment was repeated in different groups of mice
with similar results.
The conclusion was that certain components of noni juice
slow tumor growth by stimulating the activity
T cell immune system. With this
speculated that the immune system response
could be the key to understanding why the juice
had been used
for centuries to treat conditions such a wide variety of physical
study results were presented in the article "Antitumor Activity of Morinda Citrifolia
Lewis Lung Carcinoma Implants in Mice." From these data
conducted numerous investigations
presented at conferences
American Association for Cancer Research.
In 1993, in the journal "Cancer Letter" are
explained how
had isolated a new compound of the Morinda citrifolia anthraquinone
called damnacanthal, which transformed
in normal, healthy structures to
precancerous cells.
In 1990 the French scientist Chafique Younos Noni
compared with 500 other compounds
phytotherapeutic plants and noted that the
showing greater
significant effect against the growth of cancer cells in laboratory animals
The Noni juice
seems to stimulate the immune system response that inhibits the growth of some tumors
, regulating cell function
own and even
regenerating damaged cells.
Pain Later studies
diversified to other traditional uses of Noni. The
noni fruit has been used safely and effectively for
pain during
their traditional names are referred to this fact, "the painkiller tree"
"tree for headaches, etc. Naturalist Steve Schechter
used for the treatment of various chronic pain,
noting that this result
alleviated the headaches, neuromuscular and joint pain.
In 1990 appeared in the journal Planta Medica
"a study on
analgesic properties. It showed the benefits of Noni
in the treatment of pain. Younos
C. and colleagues found that administration of Morinda citrifolia
had an important
central analgesic activity and showed no toxic effects
. Infections
noni also considered a natural
antiseptic, effective against different types of bacteria
and some fungi and parasites.
The results seem to validate the traditional uses
Summary of the effects of Noni fruit
studied in the laboratory investigations have found that Noni
acts in a wide variety of situations.
produces anti-inflammatory analgesic and
regulates cell function and regeneration of damaged cells
Fight against various bacterias
Estimula la producción de células T del sistema
Inhibe el crecimiento de tumores cancerosos.
Presenta propiedades adaptógenas.
Estimula el sistema inmune incluyendo
macrófagos y linfocitos.
Los mecanismos concretos por los que funciona
el Noni no se conocen aún con excesiva precisión,
aunque sí se sabe que el fruto del Noni
contiene más de 100 sustancias nutracéuticas
entre minerales, vitaminas, enzimas, aminoácidos,
hidratos de carbono y oligoelementos
(ácido acético, asperulósido, benzoic acid,
glucose, eugenol, hexanoic acid, selenium, vitamin C
, linoleic acid, limonene, oleic acid
For some scientists from all parts of the Noni
include a number of enzymes important
play an important role in maintaining and optimizing the health
Among researchers who have dedicated themselves to
Noni study noted by Dr. Ralph Heinicke
who was the first to discover
most active components: the alkaloid
xeronina and precursors, and enzyme proxeroninasa
proxeronine alkaloid. Dr. Heinicke studied
over forty years the effects of xeronine. This
researcher claims that this is a relatively small alkaloid
physiologically active in the picogram range
and is present in virtually all cells of plants, animals and microorganisms
, which is very important for
proper operation.
The presence of xeronine in
cells decreases with aging, so
there is a greater susceptibility to illness.
Dr. Heinicke says xeronine
works at the molecular level to repair cell damage
(specific proteins regulating cell)
which causes a wide spectrum of physiological responses
Dr. Heinicke suggests the following hypothesis:
primary function is to regulate the
xeronina rigidity and shape of certain specific proteins,
that may have different functions in the
body and can be:
(a) Enzymes xeronine inactive
require to be activated.
(b) Hormone receptors that become active to react
xeronine. For
example, can transform xeronine
certain brain receptors in order to become active and allow
endorphins (natural painkillers produced by
the body).
(c) regulators of the size of the pores in the gut membrane
blood vessels and other organs.
absorption of these proteins
xeronina change the size of the pores and this
affect the passage of molecules across membranes
assimilation and bioavailability of nutrients. Indeed these findings
Dr. Heinicke
came after many years of research
. At first he began studying the therapeutic effects
pineapple, and more specifically
one of its components,
bromelain. Heinicke was
that this substance was able to fight certain pains, such as
caused by arthritis or menstruation.
Some pharmaceutical companies were interested
by these findings and the bromelain
market wanted. For this Heinicke had to make a
double-blind study
required by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) U.S..
This study found that
effects were not all I expected.
then concluded that the process
bromelain isolation eliminated had
certain substances that could
owe its therapeutic action.
Finally, in 1974
Heinicke determined that these properties were due to the presence of
proxeronine, precursor of xeronine. The researcher
saw that the three components involved in the process
(xeronine proxeronine
and proxeroninasa) are produced by the body and usually
own, the amount of
the three is sufficient to repair the "damage
regular" cell .
These damages are those which, for example, appear
due to own cell function in
whose metabolism
produce waste substances that can cause alterations in cell
. However, it has
mechanisms to solve them by itself.
It is a balance in which cellular defense mechanisms
which outweigh the harm.
However, when the damages are higher,
as in the case of infectious or cancerous cell
not have sufficient capacity
still more problems that threaten
its mechanisms to solve them.
Dr. Heinicke stated that in these processes, the proxeronine
appears on insufficient and do not get solved
cell damage.
Heinicke noted that eating
proxeronine in daily diet helps maintain good health
. He noted that the fruit of the Noni,
like pineapple and other tropical fruits,
contains significant amounts of precursor
of xeronine
proxeronine and found that Noni provides 40 times more proxeronine
, for example, pineapple. 5
She saw the precursor proxeronine
xeronine was transformed in the intestine when contact was
certain enzyme, PROXERONINASA,
also contained in the fruit. The
process was as follows: The Noni fruit contains significant amounts of proxeronine
proxeroninasa. When ingested, these components
pass to the intestine ("escaping"
digestion in the stomach) and there
put in contact with each other, causing xeronine.
The first study conducted with
Dr. Heinicke Noni fruit was as follows.
chose two groups of mice. One of them was administered
a poison (Tetrodotoxin) and at another, plus
the same dose of venom, a number of
xeronina extracted from the fruit of the Noni.
results were surprising. 100% of the mice that drank only
poison died.
100% of those who also took xeronina
lived. The researcher repeated the experiment several times
getting the same results.
To realize the mechanism of action of the
xeronina, Dr. Heinicke, along with Dr.
Solomon Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
developed a theory involving the Golgi apparatus.
This system, known since 1880, is a cellular organelle
formed by a series of membranes and vesicles
terraced acceptor molecules formed in
other cellular organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum
transforming, classifying and directing them
different parts of the cell where they are needed.
The Golgi apparatus has the ability to "package" in vesicles
the compounds that come and what makes
a specific way so that
cada vesícula se le da una "dirección" concreta
a la que se dirige.
Los doctores Heinicke y Solomon explican el
amplio espectro de respuestas fisiológicas del
fruto del Noni basándose en el funcionamiento
del Aparato de Golgi.
Una vez que se ingiere el fruto del Noni, los
nutrientes son asimilados por las distintas células.
El retículo endoplasmático es capaz de sintetizar
proteínas que son tomadas por el Aparato
de Golgi. Allí son empaquetadas junto con la
proxeronina y otros nutrientes, también asimilados
a partir del Noni, en vesículas específicas.
Cuando se produce alguna alteración en la célula,
the system releases specific packages
to solve this cellular damage. With this release
is allowed to be in contact with the enzyme
proxeronine proxeroninasa so
xeronina alkaloid is formed which is used by the cell
to regain normal functioning
. Xeronine works with those other specific biochemical compounds
make cell recover homeostasis is
, its equilibrium with the outside. 6
Dr. Heinicke discovered that the action of xeronina
depends on the levels that reach into
tissues. This alkaloid
has a noticeable effect on the immune system, activating
giving enzymes and physiological responses as
the following:
1. Regulates blood pressure
2. Reduces pain
3. Relieves symptoms of arthritis
4. Moderate esophageal ulcers, gastric or duodenal
5. Helps repair damage to the musculo-skeletal
6. Avoid depressions (
interacts with serotonin and melatonin).
7. Reduces symptoms of atherosclerosis.
8. Helps reduce substance addictions.
9. Inhibits the growth of cancerous tissue. THE ESCOPOLETIINA
Other theories are based on the presence of scopoletin in Noni
. This compound was
isolated from Noni fruit in 1993. Scopoletin
contributes to the effect of adaptogenic Noni
as compared to blood pressure. If
the pressure is high, scopoletin
helps its descent and if below normal levels
get raise.
Finally, other assumptions about the activity of Noni
have to do with nitric oxide,
substance produced by cells, which has
a half life of about 5 seconds and has
the following functions:
- Relax the walls of the arteries
contributing to the regulation of blood pressure.
- helps to prevent
high levels of cholesterol.
- inhibits blood clotting.
- This controls the secretion of insulin in the pancreas
, helping to control diabetes.
- contributes to the immune system to destroy
of bacteria, viruses, etc..
Of course, the Noni fruit contains no
nitric oxide (NO) has been demonstrated but
that is capable of stimulating production. BETWEEN
Among the experiments carried out with the fruit of the Noni
Dr. Solomon reported the results
contributed by more than 10,000 people had taken Noni
. The non-exhaustive summary
of them, among other effects, appears
reflected in the following table: Alterations
for which patients took Noni
Number of People
took Noni for that specific alteration
Percentage of patients
reported having noticed beneficial effects
general aches
3785 87% 673 80%
heart disease 80%
1058 Diabetes, Type I and II
2434 83% Low power
Stress 7931 91%
3273 71% 3716 79% Malaise
1545 Baja sexual activity 88%
Allergy Symptoms 85% 851
mental acuity Baja 2538 73%
Obesity, excessive weight
2638 781 72% 77% Depression
Poor digestion
Hypertension 1509 89% 87% 721 7
There were no inconsistencies between
Noni and other substances. On the contrary, it was
which enhances the absorption and effectiveness
of ingested nutrients, as well as
drugs being taken at that time. IINNOVAL
Innoval In making
Noni has selected a high quality raw material. To
this has been very important both
choice of origin of the fruit as its presentation.
In West Noni fruit
occurs mainly in two ways, as juice and dry
• Using
juice has some drawbacks. First, to be
a juice rich in nutrients and water
is a need to undergo some type of treatment technology
destroy microorganisms and prevent existing
alterations later product.
these treatments often use heat or radiation, not only
but also destroy microorganisms produce enzymes as
proxeroninasa, which decreases its action.
To counterbalance and camouflage the taste and smell
Noni fruit unpleasant
some manufacturers add their
Noni juice sugars, sweeteners and / or other fruit juices
or different substances. In such cases
is very important to avoid the occurrence of the
stimulating secretion of gastric juices
Proxeronase capable of destroying.
• The other way used the Noni fruit is as dry
. Within these extracts
must differentiate
mode acquisition, it is a very
delicate fruit that can be altered easily.
A Noni extract
obtained by drying the fruit to the sun and other
obtained by a lyophilization process (first
the product is frozen and then he gives a heat treatment
very short, so
frozen water passes directly
steam and is thus eliminated from the product.)
In the first case the time it takes to obtain the extract
thereby increase the chances that the product
altered. Besides, fermentations often occur
vary greatly making the composition of the original fruit. In
for freeze-drying the fruit is selected and processed
quickly to prevent spoilage and fermentation. Thus
active components are preserved and
get a high quality product with
that to achieve an effect, even
may reduce the dose compared to
extract obtained by "sun-dried.
Moreover, the Noni plant grows in many tropical areas
featuring higher quality is what has adapted to the area
Hawaii. These plants do not contain pesticides
and fruits are rich in substances
Therefore, the initial presentation chosen for
Innoval Noni is to dry lyophilized
Hawaiian Noni fruit, unfermented and biological
culture in gelatin capsules. It is a convenient way
get the benefits of Noni fruit with lower
changes possible. IINDIICACIIONES
Codayuvante nutraceutical in cases of:
and rheumatic joint pains, abdominal pains
, chronic pain, premenstrual pain, general aches
arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis and tendinitis
, gout.
chronic weakness.
chronic fatigue syndrome (fibromyalgia).
Fruit Freeze Dried Noni (Morinda citrifolia) 5:1
unfermented organic farming and 250 mg / cap. PRESENTACIIÓN
jar with 40 capsules
DIRECTIONS Take 2 to 4 capsules per day
spread about ½ hour before breakfast, the
lunch or dinner. In the case of this product
is really essential to be taken on an empty stomach
• Hirazumi, Anne. "Antintumor
Studies of a Traditional Hawaiian Medicinal Plant, Morinda citrifolia (Noni), In Vitro and In Vivo
." Doctoral dissertation, University of Hawaii
, summary, 1997.
• Hirazumi, A., Furusawa, E., Chou, SC, and Hokama, Y.
"Anticancer activity of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) on intraperitoneally
implanted Lewis Lung carcinoma in
syngeneic mice". Proc. West Pharmacology Society 37
(1994): 145-46.
• Hirazumi, A., Furusawa, E. "An immunomodulatory
polysaccharide-rich substance from the fruit juice of
Morinda citrifolia (Noni) with antitumor activity."
Phytother. Res. 1999. Aug. 13 (5): 380-7.
• Bushnell, O.A., et al. "The Antibacterial Properties of
some Plants found in Hawaï." Pacific Science 4 (1950):
• Younos, C., Rolland, A., Fleurentin, Lanhers, M.,
Misslin, R., Mortier, F. "Analgesic and behavioral effects
of Morinda citrifolia". Planta Medica 56: 430-434
• Neil Solomon, MD, PhD. - "The Noni phenomenon" -
Direct Source Publishing, 1.999. Disponible en las
siguientes direcciones web: http://www.buy.com
http://www.A1books.com http://www.amzon.com
• Abbott, I., Shimazu, C. "The geographic origin of the
plants most commonly used for medicine by Hawaïans."
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 13, 213-222 (1985).
• Dittmar, A. 1993. "Morinda citrifolia L. Use in indigenous
Samoan medicine". Journal of herbs, spices and
medicinal plants 1 (3): 77-92, 1993.
• Tabrah, F.L. and Eveleth, B.M. (1966). "Evaluation of
the effectiveness of Ancient Hawaiian Medicine.
Hawaiian Medical Journal, vol. 25, No. 3, 223-230.
NOTE: The information contained in this document is purely informational and is intended
the exclusive use of
health professionals. In no way should substitute for advice and / or prescription specialist.
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