Friday, June 3, 2005

Nexium Effects Menstrual Cycle

The hidden sex life can cancel Miller SIN CITY 2 and 3. LETHAL CHICKEN

TRAILER DE ERIO ESTUDIANDO... Éste debería ser el verdadero title, but I'm sure you would not have entered it has been released ... right? :)

Erio studying ... Yes, I know it sounds weird ... In fact, when I say out there, people laugh ...

- You? Are you studying? jajajajajaja

This is usually the keynote ...

That's why I wanted to make a video where the freak show known as "Erio" in the process of study ... But hey, things did not go as I expected ... And before you put the whole video, I preferred to hang up the trailer and see the reactions ... Because I need to know that your feedback has been ... If you have something to say, say ... If you have not got anything to say (which is what usually happens, says that people are not out of stupidity, not knowing what to say), then put on a poetry ... (Are phrases that rhyme ...)

can download it here

Hey, watch the trailer, huh? Has been selected in the best pages of links geeks of the world ... Look at the counter chose as "best short trailer made by a geek who says he is studying when actually does what it says" in 2005.
And hey, that's something, right? By the way, Orio me ... things that happen ... :)

Now, as compensation for what I just taught, I leave here a video about a dog smoking cigars and mess with geeks .. . I do not know what you like best, really ...

PD .- muuuuuuuuy I know I'm heavy, but ... If such a CPG reads this, please, appreciate your opinion on ... And especially your response .... ;)
PD 2 .- Nacho right to mislead the title of the post ... apart to give you my word not to do it again, I want you to consider as mitigating the need to display and to discuss the more the better ... More than anything you get the question to CPG ... ;)


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