Monday, June 13, 2005
Inside Cheek Soreness
2 (music)
play a song of Sergio Lopez, better known as HAZE, a hip-hop was born in the neighborhood of "birds" on the outskirts of Seville ... As a good draft gafapasta, fills me with pride and satisfaction that I knew his music before it was commercial, when he himself recorded his CD and sold copies on the street ... junto al TOP MANTA... joder... no sabeis cuanto tiempo llevo esperando poder decir esto para cerrar el circulo y convertirme en un gafapastas total... (hay que tener en cuenta que ya veía pelis subituladas, dije que lo popular es malo, y también dije que el futbol es de gilipollas.... ya sólo me faltaba decir lo siguiente....) Haze se ha vendido a la industria musical española... Today
jajajaja xDDDDD
No, ahora en serio... Tal vez para los realmente entendidos en rap ó hip-hop, ésto no es puro, pero a mí me gusta... ((para los amigos heavys, tranquilos, que proximamente también habrá heavy...)). Ésta canción va sobre la guerra de Irak y tal... ya sé que está un poco pasada de moda, but I love running at full speed in Valencia and I like ... : P
Well, as always ... I leave a couple of links on the reissue of their album, and only have to read those of interest this "rapper good" as read in an interview in El Pais ...
Although better than him in person to explain to us their work, right?
Right click, save as, and listen to the interview ...
Oh, by the way, the song I chose is called "injustice."
Right click, save as, and enjoy ...
PD. "No, I did not interview me ... but by what you see still the same "book style" xDDDDD
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