"Seize the time as a student" you always said your elders, while you were overwhelmed with work, deliveries and examinations, while whoooole .... "But a way to laugh! "- Thought you -..." how to have the courage to say this, when they know I'm not cope with the practices and school hours, with 14 subjects for which I am enrolled this year, putting up with this teacher who makes my life impossible ..."... "The best student life" ... YES, the student who studies right and investing the money of the parents go out to the wet Thursday, Friday and Saturday ... of those who only know of partner view because it goes to the occasional call for examination and to know that at the end of time will have the same title that you ... have the luck of even having a good sponsor and according to just find the gigs of his life (working little and charge a lot) while you take what you already seem to ever sign on the dole and giving head against the wall ..... OUCH! ...¡¡¡ And envy that I've always had this type of mate !!!!... Now is the time you realize that those phrases that always told you your elders and that made you blood boil was a truth as a temple .....

... I will be no more! ... Think while you remember how good you are living in the nonchalance of knowing exactly what awaits you the next day, the next year .. . when you know you only have to sit in a class, holding the type and occasionally studying ... the rest of the time enjoying friends, hours coffee shop and cinema, excursions and trips, boyfriends, family, etc., and the next year ...., back again when the beginning of the course you're thinking what plans do to the 15 bridges and vacations that are marked on the school calendar ... when with all the happiness in the world you're going to spend the scholarship money for your little quirks ... "Paid by the Ministry !"..¡¡ but what feels great pleasure !!.... and go through your head thousands of memories, from a distance now become more tender than they were actually at the moment .... Oh thou lived !!!!! what wonderful years !!!!... That is why, now I have decided that if he were to be small, and I asked one of my major again - "and you girl ... what would you grow up?" - Would not hesitate to answer "I? master student, student "
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