Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
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"Seize the time as a student" you always said your elders, while you were overwhelmed with work, deliveries and examinations, while whoooole .... "But a way to laugh! "- Thought you -..." how to have the courage to say this, when they know I'm not cope with the practices and school hours, with 14 subjects for which I am enrolled this year, putting up with this teacher who makes my life impossible ..."... "The best student life" ... YES, the student who studies right and investing the money of the parents go out to the wet Thursday, Friday and Saturday ... of those who only know of partner view because it goes to the occasional call for examination and to know that at the end of time will have the same title that you ... have the luck of even having a good sponsor and according to just find the gigs of his life (working little and charge a lot) while you take what you already seem to ever sign on the dole and giving head against the wall ..... OUCH! ...¡¡¡ And envy that I've always had this type of mate !!!!... Now is the time you realize that those phrases that always told you your elders and that made you blood boil was a truth as a temple .....

... I will be no more! ... Think while you remember how good you are living in the nonchalance of knowing exactly what awaits you the next day, the next year .. . when you know you only have to sit in a class, holding the type and occasionally studying ... the rest of the time enjoying friends, hours coffee shop and cinema, excursions and trips, boyfriends, family, etc., and the next year ...., back again when the beginning of the course you're thinking what plans do to the 15 bridges and vacations that are marked on the school calendar ... when with all the happiness in the world you're going to spend the scholarship money for your little quirks ... "Paid by the Ministry !"..¡¡ but what feels great pleasure !!.... and go through your head thousands of memories, from a distance now become more tender than they were actually at the moment .... Oh thou lived !!!!! what wonderful years !!!!... That is why, now I have decided that if he were to be small, and I asked one of my major again - "and you girl ... what would you grow up?" - Would not hesitate to answer "I? master student, student "
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Nothing in the world replacing the record;
The talent does not replace,
Nothing is as common as intelligent frustrated;
The genius either,
Since the case turns out to be topic of neglected genius, not even education
replaces the record, because the world is full of well educated failures.
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I want you to think, without
I advise you to trust me, without requiring
I want to help me without trying to decide for me I want to take care
not cancel
I want to watch me, without projecting your stuff on me I want
embrace it without choking
animes I want, without pushing
I hold me, without taking charge of me I burn
protect yourself, no lies I want you approach
without invading
things I want you to know that you like my dislike, that accept them and do not try to change cake
I know that today, you can count on me unconditionally
I like you calm as absent
and hear me from afar, and my voice does not touch you.
seems that your eyes had flown
it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth.
As all things are filled with my soul
emerge from the things, filled my soul.
butterfly of dream, you were my soul,
And you look like the word Melancholy.
I like you calm and you seem far away.
you are a moaning, a butterfly cooing.
hear me from far away and my voice does not reach you Let me come
your silence.
Let me talk to you with your silence
Clear as a lamp, simple as a ring. You're like
night, stillness and constellations.
Your silence is star, as remote and candid.
I like you calm as absent.
distant and painful as if you were dead.
A word then, one smile is enough.
And I am happy, happy that it's not true. Pablo Neruda
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Legend has it that once met at a place on earth all the feelings and qualities of men.
When boredom had yawned for the third time, madness, as mad as ever, I suggested "Why do not we play hide and seek? The plot looked up, of course intrigued, and curiosity, unable to contain said: "When hiding?, how's that?". "It's a game - explained the madness in which I cover my face and begin to count from one to one million, while you hide, and when I have finished counting, the first of you that is take my place to continue the game. "Enthusiasm is found supported by the euphoria and the joy he leaps that ended up convincing many to doubt, and even apathy too, which never interested in anything. But everyone wanted to participate. Preferred not to hide the truth (Why? If at the end always found!). The pride felt it was a very silly game (really what bothered him was that it was his idea), and cowardice
preferred not to risk ... "One, two, three ..." he told the madness. The first to hide was laziness, which, as always, was dropped after the first stone of the road. The faith has ascended into heaven, and envy not hide behind the shadow of victory, whose own efforts had managed to climb to the top of the tallest tree. The generosity barely managing to hide, house site that he thought was wonderful for a friend: "A clear lake?, Ideal for beauty!", "The slit a tree? Perfect for the timid!, "The flight of a butterfly? Best for pleasure!, "A gust of wind?, Great for freedom !..." So, ended up hiding a ray of sunshine. Selfishness, however, found a very good place from the beginning, airy, comfortable ... yes, just for him.
Lie hid in the deep ocean (lie! Actually hid behind the rainbow), ye desire and passion in the heart of the volcanoes. Oblivion ... I forgot where he hid !!... but it is not the most important. When the madness had
999999, love had not yet found a place to hide, as everything was busy, until you see a rose, and moved, he decided to hide among the flowers.
''One million!''Said madness, and began to search, the first to appear was laziness, only three steps of the stone. After listening to the belief in heaven, arguing with God about theology, and wing passion and desire, felt vibrating in volcanoes. In an oversight, found envy, and of course, where he was able to deduce the win. Selfishness there was not to be found, by himself ran from his hiding place, which turned out to be a hornet's nest. From walking, felt thirsty madness and approached the lake, finding beauty, and the question was easy, they found her sitting in a still undecided about which side to hide.
So was finding all: talent among the fresh grass, the anguish in a dark cave, lies behind the rainbow (lie! Emra madness. Ity w it actually was not bothered wuele room, the first of you who are occupying, was at the bottom of the oceans), and even forgotten, that he had forgotten he was playing hide and seek. But love alone does not appear anywhere. The madness looking behind every tree, in every stream in the world, on top of the mountains, and when I was about to give up, she saw a rose and roses ... and take a fork and began to remove the branches, when suddenly, a painful cry was heard: the thorns were hurting the eyes of love. The madness did not know what to do to apologize: weeping, begged, beg, begged pardon, and even promised to be his guide. Since then, since the first was played hide and seek in the earth, is said to LOVE IS BLIND AND ALWAYS WILL ACCOMPANY THE MADNESS.
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All agencies are composed of cells. The simplest forms of life are solitary cells that propagate by dividing in two. Larger organisms, like ourselves, are composed of eukaryotic cells, so that we can align our body cell to a city where groups of cells develop specialized functions and are connected by complex communication systems.
is amazing to see the wide variety of cell types that exist. Our own tissues and organs consist of at least 200 different types of somatic cells.
It is intended in this webquest to introduce students of 2 nd degree in the microscopic world of the eukaryotic cell, in their varied animal and plant, thus promoting an approach to the operation of the basic units that enable day to day, we as humans can stay alive.

b . Have other structures that make up the cell indicating its function.
c . Joint representation of the unit cell including all structures and organs.
Note: Paragraphs a, b and c should be developed for both the animal cell for plant cell
d . Scheme expose comparative similarities and differences between plant and animal cell. You can see an example here:
To carry out this task you will divide into teams of 4 people minimum and 6 maximum. Within each group will split into two subgroups, each of which will address the following issues:
Subgroup 1. Animal cell.

Once there, you ought to inquire into the cell so that you can answer the following questions:
- What cellular structures can differentiate?
- What organelles see?
- What functions and biological process (chemical reactions) take place within these organelles?
Subgroup 2. Plant Cell.
Imagine that you are a cation aqueous solution stored in the soil. From there you are picked up by the root system of an oak and taken as raw sap to the leaves of the same. Once there, you pass a cellular level where you must investigate the following questions:
- What cellular structures can differentiate?
- What organelles see?
- What functions and biological process (chemical reactions) develop within these organelles?
Each group should work separately, and once obtained all the information, the two subgroups must are to gather to share such information and assess the similarities and differences between both types of cells and produce the summary table and powerpoint. All members of the group without exception, must participate in both the search and comparison information, as in the exhibition of the work done in class, so that if during the exhibition in doubt by hearing peers, any member of the group that sets can resolve it.
You must use all means you have at your disposal to achieve the objectives. Besides looking in encyclopedias and reference books, Internet emplearéis to complete your search.
The links you find the information you need are:
Tewise / t21_CELULA/informacion.htm
http://www.univalle.edu.co/ ~ naturambiente / Laboratorios
/ lab% 20and% 20biologia% 20vegetal/Cloroplastos.htm
The aspects taken into account when assessing are summarized as follows:
A. In relation to the PowerPoint presentation we focus our attention on:
- a.1. clear, concise and accurate with images related
-a.2. Possibility of interaction in the presentation.
-a.3. Employment diagrams and tables
-a.4. Use of different methods of transition between screens.
be assessed with a maximum of 3 points.
B. In terms of looking at the package should
grounds in paragraph task, responding to questions in paragraph process.
be valued with a maximum of 4 points.
C. original presentation and how to approach the task
to be valued up to 1 point.
D. work in public defense and teamwork.
be assessed with a maximum of 2 points.
the end of the work you have learned not only the structure and functioning of the basic units of life, but you have come to the Power Point program and have participated in group work and exposure to concepts in public.