Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sample Seating Listing


Given the crisis situation that affects thousands of people in Canarias, the Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria (run by the underworld of New Canary) must make a major effort in instead of cutting social headings "

Before the announcement of cuts in social matters he had raised the Canary Islands Government for the coming year, New Canary has" raised and promoted "an action involving political forces in many municipalities of Gran Canaria, and score a victory that is unrealistic, and by which the executive is to require an effort canary in the social, what is most important, they say, in a situation like the current crisis are the people. When we hear this crap and even more coming from these sinister characters of New Canary, is that we were surprised, because they take for wins the election next May, so I do not understand, if they take them for wins, " to say fuck you going to demand the government canary?. Do you understand anything?, Not me, but them with these words, they attempt to return to fool the electorate. And who are the voters?, As you who will vote again the big lie of New Canary.

If you want to know where the money is spent must be dedicated to social services, you can see in these two links: LINK, LINK ,
"The daily reports that we know about social reality in Gran Canaria are very disturbing and this is a time when we have to work all together and coordinated to provide solutions to the public. And the best solution right now is not to vote in New Canary Islands, liars and egomaniacs. So, we want to see from this blog, you should assume its responsibility for social and, at the moment, a crisis that affects thousands of people, avoid these characters of New Canary Islands, which have not nothing of Gran Canaria, no return to government in this island. we look for people who really care about the people and their needs and assure them that there is, but none of them is under the banner of New Canary.
Cuando un partido como Nueva Canarias, desde su poder en el Cabildo, prefiere gastarse 1 millón cuatrocientos mil euros, en montar un local para recordar la memoria histórica de los socialistas y mantener una fundación de un elemento como el tal Negrín, antes de dedicar ese dinero a solventar las necesidades sociales del pueblo, sólo con ese acto, están dejando claro, que las necesidades del pueblo, se las traen floja.


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